拉斯洛·巴尔托谢维奇(László Bartosiewicz)教授,国际著名动物考古学家,2006至2014年两届连任国际动物考古学会(ICAZ, International Council for Archaeozoology)主席,斯德哥尔摩大学考古学和古典学系教授。巴尔托谢维奇教授活跃在动物考古学的多个领域,研究方向包括肉食消费模式、家畜发展史、动物的文化意义、动物古病理等。他的研究具有文化人类学的视角,将动物视为古代物质文化的一部分加以分析,近年来尤其注重自然科学与文化历史信息的整合。已出版专著四本,发表学术文章两百余篇。
Taphonomy and pathology: The proverbial “veterinary horse”
时间:10月18日15:00 – 17:00
Disappears like smoke: smells in archaeology
时间:10月19日13:00 – 15:00
Bartosiewicz, L. 1995. Animals in the urban landscape in the wake of the Middle Ages.Tempus Reparatum, Oxford, British Archaeological Reports International Series 609, pp. 180.
Bartosiewicz, L.–Van Neer, W.–Lentacker, A. 1997. Draught cattle: their osteological identification and history. Koninklijk Museum voor Midden-Afrika, Annalen, Zoologische Wetenschappen Vol. 281. Monograph, pp. 147.
Bartosiewicz, L. 2006. Régenvolt háziállatok [Domestic animals in the past]. L’Harmattan, Budapest, pp.240.
Bartosiewicz, L. 2013. Shuffling nags, Lame ducks. The archaeology of animal disease. Oxford, Oxbow.
Bartosiewicz, L. 2005. Plain talk: animals, environment and culture in the Neolithic of the Carpathian Basin and adjacent areas. In D. Bailey and A. Whittle eds.: (un)settling the Neolithic. Oxford, Oxbow Books: 51–63.
Bartosiewicz, L.–Van Neer, W.–Lentacker, A. 1993. Metapodial asymmetry in cattle. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 3/2, London: 69–76.
Bartosiewicz, L. 2008. Taphonomy and palaeopathology in archaeozoology. Geobios 41/1: 69–77.
Bartosiewicz, L.–Boroneant, V.–Bonsall, C.–Stallibrass, S. 2001. New data on the prehistoric fauna of the Iron Gates: a case study fromSchela Cladovei, Romania. In R. Kertész–J. Makkay eds.: From the Mesolithic to the Neolithic. Archaeolingua, Budapest: 15–22.
Bartosiewicz, L. –Bonsall, C. –Şişu, V. 2008. Sturgeon fishing along the Middle and Lower Danube. In C. Bonsall–V. Boroneanţ–I. Radovanović eds.: The Iron Gates in Prehistory. New perspectives. British Archaeological Reports, International Series 1893: 39–54.
Bartosiewicz, L. 2003. “There is something rotten in the state…” Bad smells in Antiquity. Journal of European Archaeology 6/2: 171–191.
Bartosiewicz, L.–Bartosiewicz, G. 2002. "Bamboo spine" in a Migration Period horse from Hungary. Journal of Archaeological Science 29.8: 819–830.
Bartosiewicz, L. 2003. A millennium of migrations: Protohistoric mobile pastoralism in Hungary. In F. Wayne King–Charlotte M. Porter, eds.: Zooarchaeology: Papers to Honor Elizabeth S. Wing. Bulletin of the Florida Museum of Natural History vol. 44: 101–130.
Bartosiewicz, L. 2009. Lion’s share of attention: Archaeozoology and the historical record. Acta Archaeologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungariae 59: 759–773.
Bartosiewicz, L. 1997. This little piggy went to market... An archaeozoological study of modern meat values. Journal of European Archaeology 5.1: 170–182.