
别 :

称 : 副教授

历 : 博士,博士研究生学位论文《环太湖地区史前社会结构的探索》。

任职简历 :

研究方向 :

学术活动 :

研究课题 :
1)科技部中华文明探源及其相关文物保护技术研究 “公元前3500年至前1500年黄河、长江及西辽河流域精神文化的发展研究”(2010-2013)

开设课程 :

学术论著 :

6)秦岭、傅稻镰(Dorian Q. Fuller)、 Emma Harvey《河姆渡遗址的生计模式——兼谈稻作农业研究中的若干问题》,山东大学东方考古研究中心编《东方考古(第3集)》,科学出版社,2006年;
8)秦岭《类型价值(TYPE VALUE)与墓葬价值(GRAVE VALUE)——介绍墓葬研究中的一种量化方法》,《华夏考古》2007年3期;
9)Fuller, Dorian Q., Emma Harvey, and Ling Qin. "Presumed Domestication? Evidence for Wild Rice Cultivation and Domestication in the Fifth Millennium BC of the Lower Yangtze Region." ,Antiquity 81, no. 312 (2007): 316-331.
11)Zheng, Yunfei, Guoping Sun, Ling Qin, Chunhai Li, Xiaohong Wu, and Xugao Chen."Events of Reclaiming Marshes for Rice Fields between 7000BP and 4500BP in East China",Nature Precedings (February 2009). https://doi.org/10.1038/npre.2009.2853.1
12)Yunfei, Zheng, Sun guoping, Qin ling, Li chunhai, Wu xiaohong, and Chen xugao."Rice Fields and Modes of Rice Cultivation between 5000 and 2500 BC in East China." ,Journal of Archaeological Science 36, no. 12 (2009): 2609-2616.
13)Fuller, Dorian Q. and Ling Qin. "Water Management and Labour in the Origins and Dispersal of Asian Rice." ,World Archaeology 41, no. 1 (2009): 88-111.
14)Fuller, Dorian Q., Ling Qin, Yunfei Zheng, Zhijun Zhao, Xugao Chen, Leo Aoi Hosoya, and Guo-Ping Sun. "The Domestication Process and Domestication Rate in Rice: Spikelet Bases from the Lower Yangtze." ,Science (American Association for the Advancement of Science) 323, no. 5921 (2009): 1607-1610.
15)赵辉、秦岭、张海、孙波《新形势 新需求 新规程:新修订< 田野考古工作规程>的相关说明》,《南方文物》2009年3期;
17)秦岭、傅稻镰(Dorian Q. Fuller)、张海《早期农业聚落的野生食物资源域研究——以长江下游和中原地区为例》,《第四纪研究》2010年2期;
18)Fuller, Dorian Q. and Ling Qin. "Declining Oaks, Increasing Artistry, and Cultivating Rice: The Environmental and Social Context of the Emergence of Farming in the Lower Yangtze Region." ,Environmental Archaeology : The Journal of Human Palaeoecology 15, no. 2 (2010): 139-159.
19)Fuller, Dorian Q., Leo Aoi Hosoya, Yunfei Zheng, and Ling Qin. "A Contribution to the Prehistory of Domesticated Bottle Gourds in Asia: Rind Measurements from Jomon Japan and Neolithic Zhejiang, China." ,Economic Botany 64, no. 3 (2010): 260-265.
20)Fuller, Dorian Q., Yo-Ichiro Sato, Cristina Castillo, Ling Qin, Alison R. Weisskopf, Eleanor J. Kingwell-Banham, Jixiang Song, Sung-Mo Ahn, and Jacob van Etten. "Consilience of Genetics and Archaeobotany in the Entangled History of Rice." ,Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 2, no. 2 (2010): 115-131.
22)傅稻镰、秦岭、赵志军、郑云飞、细谷葵、陈旭高、孙国平《田螺山遗址的植物考古学分析:野生植物资源采集、水稻栽培和水稻驯化的形态学观察》,公司中国考古学研究中心、 浙江省文物考古研究所编《田螺山遗址自然遗存综合研究》,文物出版社,2011年;
24)秦岭Chapter28:The Liangzhu Culture,A Companion to Chinese Archaeology, eds. Anne P. Underhill, Wiley-Blackwell. P574-596.
27)Fuller, Dorian Q., Tim Denham, Manuel Arroyo-Kalin, Leilani Lucas, Chris J. Stevens, Ling Qin, Robin G. Allaby, and Michael D. Purugganan. "Convergent Evolution and Parallelism in Plant Domestication Revealed by an Expanding Archaeological Record.",Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences - PNAS 111, no. 17 (2014): 6147-6152.
29)秦岭《< 卞家山>第十章 第二节 遗址的年代学研究》,浙江省文物考古研究所编著《卞家山》,文物出版社,2014年;
31)Michael Rowlands、傅稻镰、David Wengrow、Renée Friedman、Guillermo Algaze、Robert Carter、秦岭《交流与借鉴——早期文明的对话》,《中国文物报》2015年4月24日;
32)Silva, Fabio, Chris J. Stevens, Alison Weisskopf, Cristina Castillo, Qin Ling, Andrew Bevan, and Dorian Q. Fuller. "Modelling the Geographical Origin of Rice Cultivation in Asia using the Rice Archaeological Database.",PloS One 2015, no. 9 (2015): e0137024-e0137024.
33)Weisskopf, Alison, Zhenhua Deng, Ling Qin, and Dorian Q. Fuller. "The Interplay of Millets and Rice in Neolithic Central China: Integrating Phytoliths into the Archaeobotany of Baligang." ,Archaeological Research in Asia 4, (2015): 36-45.;
34)Deng, Zhenhua, Ling Qin, Yu Gao, Alison Ruth Weisskopf, Chi Zhang, and Dorian Q. Fuller. "From Early Domesticated Rice of the Middle Yangtze Basin to Millet, Rice and Wheat Agriculture: Archaeobotanical Macro-Remains from Baligang, Nanyang Basin, Central China (6700-500 BC)." ,PloS One 10, no. 10 (2015): e0139885-e0139885.
35)Weisskopf, Alison, Ling Qin, Jinglong Ding, Pin Ding, Guoping Sun, and Dorian Q. Fuller. "Phytoliths and Rice: From Wet to Dry and Back again in the Neolithic Lower Yangtze." ,Antiquity 89, no. 347 (2015): 1051-1063.
39)Weisskopf, Alison, Ling Qin, Jinglong Ding, Pin Ding, Guoping Sun, and Dorian Q. Fuller. “Phytoliths and Rice: from Wet to Dry and Back Again in the Neolithic Lower Yangtze.” ,Antiquity 89, no. 347 (2015): 1051–63.
43)Fuller, Dorian Q., Chris Stevens, Leilani Lucas, Charlene Murphy, and Ling Qin."Entanglements and Entrapment on the Pathway towards Domestication.",In Archaeology of Entanglement, edited by Der, Lindsay, and Francesca Fernandini. Walnut Creek: Left Coast Press, 2016.
47)Dal Martello, Rita, Rui Min, Chris Stevens, Charles Higham, Thomas Higham, Ling Qin, and Dorian Q. Fuller. "Early Agriculture at the Crossroads of China and Southeast Asia: Archaeobotanical Evidence and Radiocarbon Dates from Baiyangcun, Yunnan." ,Journal of Archaeological Science, Reports 20, (2018): 711-721.
48)Silva, Fabio, Alison Weisskopf, Cristina Castillo, Charlene Murphy, Eleanor Kingwell-Banham, Ling Qin, and Dorian Q. Fuller. "A Tale of Two Rice Varieties: Modelling the Prehistoric Dispersals of Japonica and Proto-Indica Rices." ,Holocene (Sevenoaks) 28, no. 11 (2018): 1745-1758.
49)Qin, Ling, and Dorian Q. Fuller."Why Rice Farmers Don’t Sail: Coastal Subsistence Traditions and Maritime Trends in Early China.",In Prehistoric Maritime Cultures and Seafaring in East Asia, edited by Wu, Chunming, and Barry Vladimir Rolett, 159-191. Singapore: Springer, 2019.
51)秦岭《良渚的故事(上)》,《光明日报》 2019年7月7日;
53)秦岭《良渚古城遗址为什么能够成功申遗》,《文汇报》 2019年7月7日;
58)Ling, Qin"Power and Belief: Reading the Liangzhu Jade and Society.", In Liangzhu Culture: Society, Belief, and Art in Neolithic China, edited by Liu, Bin, Ling Qin, and Yijie Zhuang, 49-144. New York: Routledge, 2020.
59)Liu, Bin, Ling Qin, and Yijie Zhuang."Situating the Liangzhu Culture in Late Neolithic China: An Introduction.",In Liangzhu Culture: Society, Belief, and Art in Neolithic China, edited by Liu, Bin, Ling Qin, and Yijie Zhuang, 1-17. New York: Routledge, 2020.
60)Liu, Bin, Ling Qin, and Yijie Zhuang, ed.Liangzhu Culture: Society, Belief, and Art in Neolithic China.New York: Routledge, 2020.
64)Zhang, Y., B. van Geel, W. D. Gosling, G. Sun, L. Qin, and X. Wu."Typha as a Wetland Food Resource: Evidence from the Tianluoshan Site, Lower Yangtze Region, China.", Vegetation History and Archaeobotany 29, no. 1 (2020): 51-60.
65)Ning, Chao, Fan Zhang, Yanpeng Cao, Ling Qin, Mark J. Hudson, Shizhu Gao, Pengcheng Ma, et al. "Ancient Genome Analyses Shed Light on Kinship Organization and Mating Practice of Late Neolithic Society in China." ,Iscience 24, no. 11 (2021): 103352-103352.
66)秦岭《各美其美,美美与共,天下大同——从稻作起源到稻米之路》,《光明日报》 2021年12月12日。